Our color proofs are your insurance – with them you get a precise reproduction of CMYK or Pantone colors in your printed product according to to the established industry standards for litho and flexo.
Bulged offers production of certified digital color proofs. For graphic industry professionals the predictable and reliable print results are of paramount importance. One of the most important stages of DTP is the color proof that allows you to know how the colors will look when they are printed.
The only things we need to know before we produce your color proof are:
- The type of the printing press – sheet or roll, litho or flexo
- The type of paper for color printing – coated or uncoated
The task of the proofing is to simulate the color reproduction of the actual printing process. It is a document that must be provided to the contracting authority (the end user) for approval before the start of the printing job. Then the approved sample shall be provided to the contractor (printing house) as a reference during production.
Here is some additional information:
We are using Matchprint Proof digital proofing system, made by Kodak Graphic Communications Group. It simulates the actual printing process and meets the established requirements for color reproduction in printing.
Matchprint Proof automatically prints a color table (Ugra / Fogra Media Wedge CMYK EPS V3.0a Proof). The values of this table are measured automatically on every impression and the system prints certificate of conformity with the required standard.
The supported standards are:
- FOGRA 39L – paper type 1 and type 2 ISO 12647-2 (coated paper – glossy or matt – 115 gsm)
- FOGRA 28 – paper 3 ISO 12647-2: 2004 (glossy paper for roll printing with reduced weight – LWC 60 gsm)
- FOGRA 29 – paper 4 ISO 12647-2: 2004 (uncoated offset paper 120 gsm)
The accuracy of the proof is in this range:
– Maximum permissible error for the simulation of paper – <3 DE * ab
– Average margin of error for all 72 pcs color samples – <3 DE * ab
– Maximum permissible error for all 72 pcs color samples – <6 DE * ab
– Maximum permissible error in the primary colors (CMYK 100%) – <5 DE * ab
To ensure high quality of the advertising you want t print in any magazine, catalog or other printed issue, take advantage of our certified digital color proofs. They will give you the opportunity to complain in case of poor quality. Investing in color proof in advance can dramatically improve the quality of the end product and protect you from costly mistakes.